Current licensing and syndication terms for my writing on Medium

If you’d like to reproduce or quote anything from this Medium account, kindly do so under the following terms

Daniel Rosehill
3 min readAug 18, 2021

— Changelog: V1. 08/21

Current syndication and licensing terms for my writing here on Medium. Image: Social media icons on a smartphone. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Over the past couple of years, writing on Medium has become one of my favorite past-times.

While writing is typically part of my workday, I don’t always get to choose the topics that I write about.

By providing a great platform that’s a joy to write on with a lightning-fast UI backed by consistently good uptime, Medium has thrown a good deal of fire upon my creative resources.

It’s even made me backtrack slightly on my traditional reluctance to use non-managed / privatized and cloud-hosted tech. My happy middle ground? I post a lot here but backup everything that goes up diligently.

As this network of articles continues to sprawl — as do my thoughts — I have found that bloggers, podcasts, and other parties have occasionally begun citing and quoting my work. And so, in order to avoid the process of requesting permission for reprinting / quotes / etc, I have added this licensing page to preempt any questions.

Licensing And Syndication Terms For My Articles

Until this page is deleted or otherwise retracted, anything I write on this Medium account can be considered to be licensed under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

For details of each of its constituent elements, please see this page:

Because I think that Creative Commons does terrific work that is vital to both protecting the interests of creators and streamlining the permissions requesting process, here’s a quick explainer for why this is my current preference:

  • Attribution is appreciated because if I write something, or share an idea, I want to stand by it.
  • Non-commercial is asserted because the writing that I publish here on Medium is non-monetized (at the time of writing this version, I have opted to put my articles in front of the paywall).
  • Non-derivative is asserted because I do not want anything I write to be misconstrued or misquoted or taken out of context through a derivative work.

I’ve also opted, by default, for my YouTube uploads to be licensed under the closest license that YouTube provides to creators:

Feel free to embed any videos in your resource(s) too.

Examples Of Things That Aren’t Okay

Since opening this channel, I’ve had:

  • Websites syndicating my posts here complete with an author page and a contact me form that I have no means of accessing. This is annoying because it is liable to create the false impression that I am ignoring contact from any readers.
  • Websites plagiarizing posts that have appeared here without attribution. This is just bad practice and always leaves a bad taste.
  • Websites plagiarizing posts that I have written here while also translating them from normative English into non-native level English.

All these things are annoying and I reserve the right to take action as a result of any of them.

How To Contact Me

Contact information, including PGP-capable email, is provided here:

You can also reach me at:

medium +

my name (first name and last name together no spaces, all lower case).

dot co dot il as the TLD.

Thank you for your understanding!



Daniel Rosehill

Daytime: writing for other people. Nighttime: writing for me. Or the other way round. Enjoys: Linux, tech, beer, random things.